Hercules – 3D – 3d movies

Hercules – 3D – 3d movies

1400 B.C., a tormented soul walked the Earth that was neither man nor god. Hercules was the powerful son of the god king Zeus. For this, he received nothing but suffering his entire life. After twelve arduous labors, and the death of his family, this dark, world-weary soul turned his back on the gods finding his only solace in bloody battle. Over the years, he warmed to the company of six similar souls, their only bond being their love of fighting, and the presence of death.

These men and women never question where they go to fight, or why, or whom, just how much they will be paid. Now, the King of Thrace has hired these mercenaries to train his men to become the greatest army of all time. It is time for this bunch of lost souls to finally have their eyes opened to how far they have fallen, when they must train an army to become as ruthless and bloodthirsty as their reputation has become.

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